�So I havenapos;t posted in like four days. That saddens me a bit but the last few days have been both busy and amazing. So time to update the readers:
Thursday was the tech rehearsal for the choir show and it went until 7:30 pm, meaning no time after I got home to post.
Friday was school, then I came home and had about two hours to myself until my friend Heather came over to do my hair and make up for the first performance in the Choir show. The show was phenomenal that night and I took some rad pictures[view myspace]. Then the rest of that night was spent with an amazing boy named Allen. I donapos;t care what he says. I will refer to him as my boyfriend. Yes I will. And let me just say that that night could not have been any better.
Saturday was my second performance. Heather and Allen came over to my house that afternoon while Heather did my hair and makeup. Allen was just on youtube the whole time. But anyways, that show was maybe the most amazing Fall magic performance our school has ever had. Even my choir teacher said so, so that is a big deal. I didnapos;t even mess up once. An Allen went to that show, and he liked most of the stuff. He brought me roses on friday <3
Then today was spent with Heather and Allen. AT different times in the day, of course.
My life is beyond amazing. I donapos;t mean for that to sound full of myself but I have never been this happy before.
And I am in love with Allen. So ridiculously in love. <333333.
Gabie aych.
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